
Form to database, instantly

Skip custom React forms or messy ETL from spreadsheets. Build forms on top of your Postgres, MySQL or MSSQL database.

Trusted by startups and Fortune 500s

OpenAI logo-amazon logo-nbc logo-doordash logo-mercedes

As custom as React but as fast as Google Forms

Customize your form with our component library, styling, and validation logic.

Connect to any database

Generate a form on top of any SQL database like Postgres, MySQL or MSSQL.

Design with your style

Build with 100+ pre-built components from inputs to dropdowns to buttons. Customize the styling to match your exact branding.

Customize with code

Use out-of-the-box validation rules or write your own logic with JavaScript. Use common libraries like Moment for date formatting or import your own.

Build on top of your responses

Assemble 1-click CRUD apps and BI dashboards to view, filter, edit and visualize responses. Join your responses with other data sources using SQL or our API integrations.

Works with your stack

Build your own form

Connect a database, generate a form and customize with code.